Advanced Learning Programs - Gifted

General Information

Teachers certified in Gifted Education assist eligible students from throughout the district in grades one through five at St. Elmo one day a week. Students identified as gifted at Hannan Magnet Academy and Clubview Elementary (IB) are served on site. Identified middle and high school students are also served on site at their respective home schools.

Submit a gifted referral here according to the following application windows:

Fall Window - August 26, 2022 - September 9, 2022 (no Kindergarten referrals)
Spring Window - January 6, 2023 - January 20, 2023

Documents and Resources

48 Essential Links for the Parents of Gifted Children
Gifted Identification Assessment and Eligibility Criteria
Ten Suggestions for Parents of Gifted Children
NEW MCSD Gifted Referral, Service, and Acceleration Procedures 2019-2020
2022-2023 MCSD Gifted Resource Manual
Framework for Middle School Advanced Courses
48 Essential Links for Parents of Gifted Children (includes blogs)
Georgia Department of Education - Gifted
Is my child gifted? (characteristics, traits, and domains)
National Association for Gifted Children: Resources for Parents
Parental resources on Hoagies' Gifted (the "all things gifted" page)
SENG Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no reciprocation between states. Your child will not automatically be served as a gifted student. He or she will have to be referred and re-assessed in order to qualify in Georgia.

Students in kindergarten are automatically tested using the NNAT2. Parent permission must be obtained for testing for gifted eligibility. Teachers and parents of students in all grades may submit a referral for testing at any time during the school year. Referral forms are located under "Documents and Resources" section of this page.

The teachers create curriculum that is based on the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards and National Standards for Gifted Education incorporating the gifted goals. Academic curriculum is enriched with higher level work that offers rigor and relevance. The school also offers enrichment courses in art, music appreciation, NASA Space Center Activities, and much more.

The year is slightly different from the regular school schedule. Students who attend St. Elmo will not go the first week the students begin school. They will come the second week of the school year and end the week before school gets out for the summer. Students will not attend St. Elmo during any county-wide testing day.

Yes, but we highly recommend that the children ride the bus from their home school. Parents who do bring their children should bring them into the front hall and allow the student to proceed to class independently.

Yes, we are happy to have parents, grandparents, etc. eat with their children. Please remember to always check in at the office upon your arrival. We encourage you to sit with your child’s class. We do want you to visit, but this would not be a time to discuss your student with his or her teacher. Conference times can be set up through the main office.

Cafeteria Services has made it possible for students to use money from their home school account. Please make sure your child has plenty of money in that account to cover lunches here, too. You do not need to send any lunch money to St. Elmo. Columbus High School provides the lunches, but they follow the elementary menu.

Just like at their home school, a form needs to be filled out and the medicine brought in the original prescription bottle. Our clinic is open for half a day every day of the week handling medical needs.

Just like at their home school, a form needs to be filled out and the medicine brought in the original prescription package. Your child may leave the inhaler in the clinic or your child may bring it each week. We would appreciate having an inhaler on hand if your child has asthma.

The Muscogee County School District Gifted Education Handbook states, "Students do not make up missed work or homework assigned on the day they attend gifted education classes.” This is a state mandated policy. They do make up tests. A student can be required to make up a specific assignment if the teacher feels the student has not mastered the skill or concept covered by the assignment. Please talk with your home school teacher if you have any concerns or call Mrs. Christine Hull, Director of Advanced Learning and Gifted Programs, at 706-748-3115.

Students are expected to attend their gifted classes each week. The GaDOE Gifted Education Department states that students are required to receive five (5) hours of gifted education services each week. Sometimes their home school has planned events on the days they come to St. Elmo, but most schools try to plan around the days they are here. It is acceptable for them to attend special events, but they should also be mindful of their attendance at St. Elmo.

Satisfactory performance in both regular education and gifted education classes is required for continuation in the gifted program. A probationary period shall be provided for students who need this service along with a Student Improvement Contract. Each year, parents and students will be required to sign a continuation policy form to ensure structured work and behavior.

Students will receive learning targets and success criteria for each course with indicators as to whether or not the student has met the learning target and his or her progression of learning as related to the success criteria.

Contact Information