Advanced Learning Programs - Dual Enrollment

General Information

Georgia’s Dual Enrollment program (formerly known as Move on When Ready) allows students to attend a post-secondary institution full-time most likely during their junior and/or senior years of high school and receive high school credit and college credit simultaneously while attending college classes on the college campus (full-time) or pursuing those courses while still on a high school campus (part time). Georgia’s Dual Enrollment program is available to any Georgia student in grades 9-12 enrolled in a public school, private school, or home-study program operated pursuant to O.C.G.A. 20-2-690 in Georgia.


Dual Enrollment Facts

  • Eligible students may participate part-time or full-time at multiple post-secondary institutions, but applications for Dual Enrollment must be completed every term (semester or quarter) through the school guidance office as well as through the Georgia Student Finance Commission via and the cooperating post-secondary institution.
  • College courses must be selected from the approved Dual Enrollment Course Directory and must be approved prior to enrollment by the high school guidance counselor.
  • Once all high school graduation or home-study requirements are met, students are no longer eligible to participate in the Dual Enrollment program.

Quick Points to Remember
Below are a few points of interest to help students and parents understand Georgia and MCSD’s Dual Enrollment procedures.

  • The eligible student and parent/guardian should schedule the required Dual Enrollment advisement session with the school counselor to discuss the dual-credit program options prior to taking any other action.
  • Completion of the Dual Enrollment Student Finance Commission application on GAfutures is required each semester or quarter.
  • The student must apply and be accepted to a participating eligible post-secondary institution (University System of Georgia, Technical College System of Georgia or private institutions) prior to enrollment in the program.
  • The student and parent/guardian must sign a Muscogee County School District Student Participation Agreement during a follow-up advisement session with the high school counselor.
  • College courses taken must count toward local and/or state high school graduation requirements.
  • The Georgia Student Finance Commission will manage funding and payments to the post-secondary institutions provided by annual state appropriations.
  • The Dual Enrollment program is not available for coursework exempted or given credit by examination, testing, training, or prior experience.
  • Dropping a course or not following program rules and regulations may result in students being removed from dual enrollment; thus, affecting their high school graduation requirements.
  • Students must make Satisfactory Academic Progress as defined by both the high school and the post-secondary institution towards graduation and completion of their Individual Graduation Plan to participate in the Dual Enrollment program.

More details about the Dual Enrollment program may be found at

Documents and Resources

Dual Enrollment FAQs GSFC 2020
Dual Enrollment Interest Meeting 2020
Dual Enrollment Updated Handout 2020-2021
Georgia Student Finance Commission— (Funding and Information)
Dual Enrollment Explained
Dual Enrollment—Technical College System of Georgia
Dual Enrollment Course Directory

Frequently Asked Questions

Eligible students may participate in high school competitive and other extracurricular events.

Courses do not count against any maximum hourly caps for the HOPE scholarships or grants.

Yes, Dual Enrollment students can enroll in online courses if the course is on the approved course list. Students should carefully consider whether an online course is a good fit for them before enrolling.

Yes, public school students participating in Dual Enrollment are required to take all appropriate EOCs. Students who are home schooled or attend a private school are not required to take EOCs. Check with your high school counselor for EOC requirements.

  • The Dual Enrollment program provides assistance for post-secondary tuition, mandatory fees, and books.
  • In some cases, students may be charged or be expected to purchase course-related fees, supplies, or equipment.
  • The Dual Enrollment program will pay a maximum of 15 semester hours or 12 quarter hours per student and per post-secondary institution.

Contact Information

Dual Enrollment Questions

All questions regarding participation in the Dual Enrollment program should be directed to the high school guidance department of each participating local high school.