Student Services
- Anti-Discrimination Statement and Equity Coordinators
- Athletics
- Bullying
- Catapult Academy
- Dyslexia
- McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
- Military Transition Services
- Parent Concerns
- Parent's Bill of Rights
- Prevention and Intervention Practices
- School Counseling Services
- School Social Work Services
- Student Discipline
- Student Health Services
- Student Registration
- Students With Disabilities
- Title IX Coordinator
- Youth Mental Health First Aid Certification Course
Student Services - Parent Concerns
General Information
It is our goal to successfully resolve your complaint or concern should it reach this level. Please keep in mind we will speak to the principal to inquire about your specific concern in a timely manner. This will allow us to collect all the facts from all parties and determine the best response the matter.
How to file a Complaint/Concern
- Please make sure the school principal is aware of your complaint or concern, in writing.
- The school must be given reasonable time to solve the complaint or concern.
- Please collect your documentation that pertains to current situation and be prepared to discuss this evidence with the appropriate principal. (Emails, texts, copies, papers, screen shots and recordings)
Appeal of Complaint/Concern
If you are not satisfied with the principal's resolution of your complaint/concern, please notify the principal in writing and he or she will forward your complaint/concern to the appropriate district official(s) for review.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the school aware of your concern? If not, you would need to first begin with teacher if it is in the classroom. Allow him/her to respond. If the outcome is not satisfactory, then we move to the principal.
Suggest to contact principal via e-mail which is located off our website front page. Click on schools and select grade level and then look up school and e-mail address is located right next to principal name.
At this stage, Student Services will request you put in a written concern/complaint form at the District location.
Has the teacher, school counselor and/or the principal been made aware of issue? If yes, and the resolution was not favorable. Next step is Student Services will take your written concern/statement and schedule a meeting with the Chief of Student Services at 706-748-3336.