Student Services - McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
General Information
Needs Assessment Process
Student Residency Questionnaire (SRQ)
Services and Activities Form (SAF)
In addition to this needs assessment process, M-V Staff members conduct ongoing community and system-wide trainings on the M-V Homeless Act and SRQ/SAF processes with Parents, Teachers, Building-level Administrators, School Social Workers, School Counselors, Graduation Coaches, Title 1 personnel, Bus Drivers, Transportation Supervisors, Food Nutrition Staff, ESOL, educational screenings, Teaching and Learning, Paraprofessionals, Custodial Staff, Parent Coordinators, Central Registration, School Nurses and Clinicians, and Program for Exceptional Students. Central Registration staff members are also trained on legal requirements for immediate enrollment.
Data Digs and Early Warning System
Documents and Resources
National Education for Homeless Children and Youth
Homeless Resource Network
United Way 211 Helpline
Hope Harbour
Open Door
Red Cross
Frequently Asked Questions
Unfortunately, the District can not provide monetary assistance to support housing. However, we can link families to our Community Partners to possibly provide necessary resources. In addition, families in transition can dial 2-1-1 on a landline or cell phone to receive information regarding available resources within our community.
Keeping children and youth in homeless situations connected to school provides them with a source of stability and normalcy in otherwise chaotic and frightening circumstances. School stability supports academic achievement and mental and emotional security.
The McKinney-Vento Act requires schools to enroll students experiencing homelessness immediately, even if the student is unable to provide documentation normally required for enrollment. This documentation may include academic, immunization, medical, and other records, or proof of residency, age, or guardianship. Districts also may not delay a student’s enrollment due to lack of school uniform or schools supplies and must supply students with these items if the student is unable to do so. The school must make the best immediate academic placement possible based on the information available while waiting for school records, special education documents, medical records, or other needed information. The Homeless Liaisons or his or her designee must assist unaccompanied youth with the enrollment process.
The McKinney-Vento Act defines enrollment to mean permitting students to attend classes and participate fully in school activities. This includes all school services and activities such as school meals, special education, academic support, extracurricular activities, and others.
Although the Act does not define immediate, the standard dictionary definition is “without delay.” Therefore, the student must begin attending classes with participating fully in school activities without delay. Generally, that would mean the same or the following day. However, in cases of major disasters where large numbers of students are displaced and in crisis, enrollment in a few days may be considered to be “without delay,” depending on the specific circumstances.
The McKinney-Vento Act defines enrollment to mean permitting students to attend classes and participate fully in school activities. This includes all school services and activities such as school meals, special education, academic support, extracurricular activities, and others.
Although the Act does not define immediate, the standard dictionary definition is “without delay.” Therefore, the student must begin attending classes with participating fully in school activities without delay. Generally, that would mean the same or the following day. However, in cases of major disasters where large numbers of students are displaced and in crisis, enrollment in a few days may be considered to be “without delay,” depending on the specific circumstances.
Students must be allowed to attend their school of origin "to the extent feasible." [School of origin is defined as the school the student attended when permanently housed, or the school in which the student was last enrolled. 42 U.S.C. §11432(g)(3)(G).] Changing schools significantly impedes students’ academic and social growth. The literature on highly mobile students indicates that it can take a student four to six months to recover academically after changing schools. Many studies also have found highly mobile students to have lower test scores and overall academic performance than peers who do not change schools. Therefore, the McKinney-Vento Act calls for school districts to maintain students in their school of origin to the extent feasible, unless that is against the wishes of the parent of guardian. 42 U.S.C. §11432(g)(3). Students have the right to attend the school building of origin; this provides continuity of instruction, teachers, and peers. Considerations for changing schools, other than as a result of a parent, guardian or unaccompanied youth’s wishes, must be based on a student-centered, individualized determination. Factors that may be considered include: the age of the child or youth; the impact the commute may have on the student’s education; personal safety issues; the students’ need for special instruction; length of anticipated stay in temporary shelter or other temporary location; and time remaining in the school year. There may be other student-centered factors not enumerated here that will help determine feasibility. Above all, feasibility is a child-centered decision.
Unaccompanied youth is defined as a youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. 42 U.S.C. §11434A(6). The Act does not provide an age range.
The McKinney-Vento Act applies to children and youth age 21 and under, consistent with their eligibility for public education services under state and federal law. For students receiving special education services, federal law provides the right to access services until age 22. 20 U.S.C. §1412(a)(1)(A).
- Caregiver enrollment: Many unaccompanied youth have a caring adult in their lives who is not a parent or legal guardian, such as a relative, neighbor, member of their faith community, case manager, or adult friend.
- Local liaison enrollment: The local McKinney-Vento Liaison may sign enrollment and other documents for unaccompanied youth. This process does not apply to special education and does not grant legal guardianship or change the legal relationship between the local liaison and the youth.
- Social worker enrollment: Unfortunately, many youth who are wards of the state are also unaccompanied youth. Young people may leave foster homes, group homes, or other placements that do not meet their needs and find themselves on their own. In such cases, the social worker still may be an appropriate person to sign school enrollment papers on the youth’s behalf. Some older youth may not ever enter DFACS, as social workers may choose not to pursue services for them. However, even in these cases, social workers may be willing to assist with school enrollment.
Yes. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Child Nutrition Division issued a policy in 2002 (later enacted into law by the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004) that makes any child, identified as homeless by a liaison or shelter director, automatically eligible for free school meals. They do not have to complete an application.
Yes. Every school district must designate a liaison for students experiencing homelessness. 42 U.S.C. §11432(g)(1)(J)(ii). One of the liaison's duties is to identify children and youth who meet the statutory definition of homeless. 42 U.S.C. §11432(g)(6)(A)(i). School districts must enroll students experiencing homelessness immediately. If, after enrollment, it is determined that a student is not homeless as defined in the law, school districts should follow the policies that are in place to address other forms of fraud. Written notice should be given to the parent, guardian, or youth, including his or her right to appeal the decision.
Contact Information
Dr. Trikella L. Nelson LPC, NCC, PSC, YMHFA
Director of Guidance and Counseling Services
Homeless Liaison706-748-2226