Student Services - Student Discipline
General Information
The Code of Conduct provides for the development of age appropriate standards for behavior, a student support process, a progressive discipline process, and a parental involvement process. We encourage all parents to read the handbook thoroughly with your child to help them understand the expectations that students will behave themselves, that they will respect each other and employees, obey student behavior policies adopted by the Board of Education and obey student behavior rules established by individual schools. These expectations once carried out will facilitate learning for all student in a safe and nurturing environment.
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based set of practices to manage behavior that is positive, proactive, and preventative. Muscogee County School District (MCSD) is dedicated to implementing PBIS in every school, but is at the beginning stages of this implementation. Please note that the code of conduct applies to every student enrolled in MCSD, regardless of the school's PBIS status.
Documents and Resources
Manual del Estudiante & Código de Conducta SY 2022-2023
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, by the end of the next business day.
Yes, but you must be notified
No. Principals can suspend for ten days only. Days greater than ten days must go through the Tribunal process to afford due process.
Tribunal Hearing allows for the student's evidence to be seen and heard by a hearing officer and a panel of administrators. You will be judged strictly on the evidence, and previous incidences may be discussed. You have the right to question you accuser, to be represented by legal council, and to appeal the tribunal's decision if you do not agree.
Signing a waiver is an admission of guilt and the accused accepts the consequences without an appeal. The parent no longer has a right to a Tribunal Hearing and the child is assigned to the alternative school, for a pre-determined time set by the principal.
Signing a waiver is an admission of guilt and the accused accepts the consequences without an appeal. The parent no longer has a right to a Tribunal Hearing and the child is assigned to the alternative school, for a pre-determined time set by the principal.
Yes. Muscogee County school District (MCSD) has the authority to take disciplinary action regarding any off campus actions taken by a student, where those actions could result in the student being criminally charged with a felony and where those actions either make the students continued presence on campus a potential danger or disrupts the educational process.