Pre-K-12 Curriculum and Instruction - Science (K-5)

General Information

Georgia Performance Standards
The current Georgia Performance Standards are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills for proficiency in science. The Project 2061’s Benchmarks for Science Literacy is used as the core of the curriculum to determine appropriate content and process skills for students. The GPS is also aligned to the National Research Council’s National Science Education Standards. Technology is infused into the curriculum.

A formal review and revision process has been conducted for the K-12 Science and Social Studies Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). The review process included several public survey opportunities. Teacher and stakeholder survey results informed the revision process for drafting K-12 Science and Social Studies Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE). A teacher survey was conducted from April 16, 2015, through June 15, 2015. An external stakeholder survey was conducted from August 10, 2015, through September 15, 2015. Teacher survey feedback was collected and analyzed by University System of Georgia staff. Stakeholder survey feedback was collected and analyzed by staff from SEDL, an affiliate of the American Institutes of Research and staff from Georgia State University. Working Committees representing K-12 Georgia public school teachers, post-secondary staff, parents, and instructional leaders from across the state made revisions to the standards based on survey results. Advisory Committees representing teachers from the Working Committees, post-secondary staff, business and industry, RESAs, parents, and instructional leaders reviewed the recommendations made by the Working Committees and provided additional suggestions for clarity and change based on feedback and survey recommendations. An Academic Review Committee, consisting of representatives from the K-12 writing and advisory committees, K-12 instructional leaders, post-secondary educators, the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, business and industry, and Department of Education leadership staff, reviewed and finalized the draft revised standards for presentation to the State Board of Education on January 14, 2016, for permission to post for 60 days of public review and comment.

Documents and Resources

Pacing Guide - Kindergarten(Pacing Guide K Science)
Pacing Guide - 1st Grade(Pacing Guide 1st Science)
Pacing Guide - 2nd Grade(Pacing Guide 2nd Science)
Pacing Guide - 3rd Grade(Final Pacing Guide 3rd Science)
Pacing Guide - 4th Grade(Final pacing Guide 4th Science)
Pacing Guide - 5th Grade(Final Pacing Guide 5th Science)
Current Georgia Performance Standards

Contact Information

Benjamin Travers Content Specialist Science and Social Studies K5
