Pre-K-12 Curriculum and Instruction - Physical Education
General Information
Physical Education is a life-long process and an integral part of the total education of every child in Kindergarten through Grade 12. Daily, quality physical education is needed to increase the physical competence, health-related fitness, self-responsibility and enjoyment of physical activity for all students so that they can be physically active for a lifetime. A developmentally appropriate and comprehensive experience in health and physical education is essential for meeting the diverse needs of all students.
Research shows that students, who are more physically fit, have good balance, rhythm, and coordination are more likely to be academically successful.
The goals of the Muscogee County K-12 Health and Physical Education program are to:
- Provide a developmentally appropriate and comprehensive experience through exposure to a wide variety of activities and quality instruction at all levels.
- Promote the relationship between health and physical education, school, community and life through an interdisciplinary approach to instruction where appropriate.
- Provide for the development of effective and efficient fundamental motor skills.
- Promote the acquisition of skills and beliefs needed to pursue a lifetime of involvement in physical activity and healthful decision-making.
- Promote an understanding of the relationship between physical activity and life-long health, and assume responsibility for personal health.
Contact Information
Jeff Battles Director of Athletics
K-12 Health and Physical Education
706-748-2597 Fax