McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act - McKinney-Vento Law

General Information

Student who qualify as homeless under the definitions in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, require an immediate school enrollment and full participation in all school activities with or without normal registration documents. If a dispute arises over school selection or placement of a student identified as experiencing homelessness, the principal must admit the student to the school in which enrollment is sought by the parent or guardian pending a resolution of the dispute.

When applying any district policy regarding tardiness or absences, any tardiness or absence related to a child’s or youth’s living situation shall be excused. The Muscogee County School District will follow state procedures to ensure that youth in transition are identified and given equal access to appropriate secondary education and support services. School personnel shall refer children and youth in transition to appropriate health care services, including dental and mental health services. The liaison will assist the school in making referrals, as necessary. School personnel must also inform parents of all educational and related opportunities available to their children and provide parents with meaningful opportunities to participate in their children’s education. All parent information required by any provision of this policy must be provided in a form, manner and language understandable to each parent.

  • Under federal law, McKinney-Vento students must have access to a free appropriate public education, including preschool, and are given an opportunity to meet state and local academic achievement standards. They must be included in state and district wide assessments and accountability systems.
  • Information regarding the rights and services for homeless students will be: distributed to all students and parents in August and January and upon enrollment. Information is posted in every school in the district, as well as other places where children, youth and families in transition receive services, including family and youth shelters, motels, campgrounds, welfare departments, health departments and other social service agencies.

For more information, please see Board Policy JBC-1 and Georgia Department of Education Rule 160-5-1-28.